These dog kennels are the perfect edition to your property. Featuring a slide out universal food or water dish, and fold down bunker for added warmth and protection against wind, rain and cold weather. The skid are attached to the frame for ease of manoeuvring around your property, and allow for easy clean up as well. The wooden slats in the front also make cleaning a breeze!
The kennel measures 2300mm L x 1700mm H (1600mm high at back) x 1200mm W. Legs are 600mm high (this measurement is included in overall height). The roof has a 100mm fall.
Additional Features:
- Wood slat flooring throughout
- Removable rubber matting behind the bunker (on top of wooden floor)
- Double Door
- Easy Cleaning (open both doors, lift up bunker and hose out)
- Lockable fold down bunker door
- Removable food/ water dish
- Latch behind food/ water dish to stop it being pushed out from the inside
- Mesh Front and Corrugated Iron Back & Roof
$2200.00 For single bay option (Pictured)
Please contact us if you would like a double bay kennel.